
How to Write a Persuasive Essay

Joshua James
8 months ago

This article contains advice from writers of EssayHaves on how to create a persuasive essay that is well-structured and convincing.

What Is a Persuasive Essay?

How can we define a persuasive essay? Firstly, it’s crucial to grasp the purpose of the assignment you’re given. The main objective of persuasive essays is to persuade the reader on the position you take regarding a specific topic.

To effectively present a compelling argument, the author must include cited sources, thorough research, and articulate their thoughts clearly. To master the art of persuasive essay writing, it is important to thoroughly understand the components of an argumentative essay as it requires the use of strong and convincing reasoning to influence the reader.

When writing a persuasive essay, it is important to use logical arguments and well-reasoned ideas in order to convince and persuade the audience effectively.

The Elements of Persuasive Essay

The format of a persuasive essay involves taking a stance and providing an argument to support it, while also considering opposing viewpoints. This type of writing can serve various purposes and can range from simply providing information to presenting complex discussions.

Collecting, analyzing, and producing relevant evidence is essential in making a strong argument. Whether it is an informative essay or a persuasive one, a well-formulated thesis statement and the ability to make a convincing argument are necessary skills.

Typically, the thesis statement is succinct, consisting of only a single sentence. Its purpose is to drive the entire piece of written work and provide readers with a clear indication of its intended direction.

Persuasive Essay Format

After selecting a subject from the provided options or creating your own, it’s time to begin writing. The structure of a persuasive essay entails three components: the opening, the main body, and the conclusion.

To enhance the persuasive impact of the essay, it is recommended to add a section that presents an opposing viewpoint. The format for this additional section will be described briefly below. In brief summary, this is how to briefly outline a persuasive essay.

  • Introduction
  • Body
  • Conclusion

Continue reading if you wish to enhance your comprehension on commencing and concluding a persuasive essay.

How to Write a Persuasive Essay Outline

The outline for a persuasive essay is similar to other essay assignments. The main objective of creating an outline for an argumentative essay is to determine the topics that will be discussed in the essay.

The piece consists of three components: an opening, main sections, and a summarizing ending. In addition, a crucial component is a bibliography which is to be included at the conclusion of the writing.

When selecting a topic, it’s important to take into consideration how broad the topic is since it will determine how many body paragraphs are needed. Our experts at the paper writing service suggest keeping this in mind. In your persuasive essay’s conclusion, it’s essential to remind the reader of the main topic and your thesis statement.

The author should prioritize highlighting the significance of the matter rather than presenting a pointed argument as a thesis statement.

A guide on crafting an effective opening for a persuasive essay.

In order to create an effective persuasive essay, the introduction plays a vital role as it has to capture the reader’s interest. Along with this, the writer should also provide necessary information regarding the topic along with an overview of their argument. Lastly, the introduction must end with a clear thesis statement that presents the writer’s opinion.

What About Body Paragraphs?

The essay’s main portion is crucial, consisting of paragraphs that bolster the thesis. Every paragraph should feature a succinct and distinct initial topic sentence, addressing one significant aspect while presenting a compelling argument.

The section of the essay that constitutes the main theme must contain citations, figures, and instances grounded in thorough investigation to illuminate the author’s stance. Each segment should culminate in a transitional statement that summarizes the preceding notion and sets the tone for the forthcoming passage.

The primary aim of a persuasive paragraph is to persuade the reader in a specific direction, often indicating a personal bias. Offering an explanation of why the argument is relevant is crucial, and providing a well-crafted conclusion is equally important.

To create a convincing essay, it is essential to address the opposing opinion. This is achieved by selecting a compelling opposing statement and offering opposing arguments. In addition, a well-written essay can expose any inconsistencies in the opposing viewpoint and provide evidence contradicting it.


In an essay, the author’s main argument and supporting reasons are typically reiterated in the conclusion to encourage the reader to take the suggested course of action. It is common for authors to include a personal comment or question at the end, similar to the approach taken in an International Baccalaureate extended essay.

Using this technique can encourage readers to reflect on the topic and come up with their own opinions. The passage should allow the reader to analyze the author’s perspective and familiarize themselves with it thoroughly.

The structure of this passage is akin to that of an argumentative speech. A significant purpose of this paragraph is to introduce a crucial perspective. When crafting your closing thoughts as a writer of a persuasive essay, there are some inquiries to ponder over:

  • What are the practical uses of the argument presented in this paper in everyday life?
  • Am I writing about something important?
  • What are the inquiries that the argument presented in this paper brings up?
  • What are the consequences of the argument presented in this paper?

A guide that outlines the various steps involved in crafting a compelling persuasive argument.

If you do not get essay writing assistance, knowing your audience is important for crafting an outstanding persuasive essay. It involves recognizing if the audience supports, opposes, or is undecided on a topic. Effectively presenting your argument and organizing your writing are key elements to consider.

Before starting to write, there are several significant stages that need to be undertaken in order to prepare adequately. In addition to captivating the reader, a persuasive essay can be viewed as a less forceful version of an argumentative essay.

The goal of an argumentative essay is to refute the contrary perspective, whereas a persuasive essay presents credible evidence in favor of the stated thesis.

Deciding on a Topic

If you don’t have a specific prompt for a persuasive essay, then you have complete freedom to choose your own topic. The most difficult aspect is selecting the subject matter, however, the topic section of this article offers a variety of concepts to contemplate.

Keep in mind that if your topic is too wide, your argument may not be fully explored. Conversely, if you select a topic that is too narrow, it may not have enough evidence to support a strong argument.

In-Depth Research

Once you have determined the path you want to take, it would be beneficial to extensively search the internet and other resources to ensure that you are knowledgeable about the subject matter.

To broaden your argument’s reach, look through all pertinent websites you can locate. Other sources may be discovered through this search.

Save Potential Resources

Once you believe you have located what you were seeking, make sure to save or mark the content for future reference. It will probably be necessary to reference later. Be prepared to access it quickly since you will require all accessible data.

Work on the Outline

It is not challenging to create a guide for a persuasive essay. By utilizing an existing format (if provided) and identifying crucial arguments, one can produce a well-crafted persuasive essay.

Work on the Draft

If you prepare well, writing the draft may end up being the simplest step in the process. Having sources ready beforehand and an organized outline will make jotting down thoughts easy. Additionally, a forceful thesis is necessary for presenting your argument effectively.

Persuasive Essay Examples

It is crucial to have appropriate wording when writing a persuasive essay. Remember that the topic should be open to arguing, both viewpoints must be expressed, and the opposing opinion should be challenged.

The ability to achieve this can only come with a deep understanding of the topic. Our expert writers have compiled a list of persuasive essay topics that are sure to capture the audience’s attention.

  • Can the Bible provide a logical foundation for moral and ethical principles in the present-day society?

Religious matters are likely to generate conflict, particularly when there are opposing viewpoints. One side may argue that religious texts have become irrelevant due to technological advancements and societal changes. On the other hand, some may emphasize the significance of these texts in shaping beliefs and traditions throughout centuries.

  • Is following a vegan diet superior to consuming meat?

Amidst mounting proof of global warming and population growth, advocates of self-sufficient living are pushing for a vegan diet. The benefits and drawbacks of this dietary choice are evident, and it’s up to individuals to pick a stance and provide more specific reasoning.

  • Is the electoral college flawed?

Considering the ongoing events, this topic is quite popular and up-to-date. Further exploration of it can lead to involvement with history and the development of an argument by utilizing sources and historical context.

  • The possibility of performing cloning procedures and the moral dimension.

This is a classic persuasive essay topic for high school that is just one of many options available. With ample research, this topic can help create a solid argument. It involves thorough research and forming a neutral presentation of opinions.

  • Do you need to have an understanding of music theory in order to produce high-quality artwork?

Numerous musicians have succeeded in their career without any theoretical music knowledge, leading to the inquiry of whether formal education is essential for achieving success in this field.

Persuasive Essay Rubric

Many instructors will use a rubric specific to persuasive essays when grading. Here are some overall directions to keep in mind when composing your argument.

  • Organization

In order to effectively organize an essay, the beginning needs to capture the reader’s attention and present a clear and compelling argument. A solid conclusion should summarize the key points and reiterate the central message in a cohesive manner.

  • Thesis

This important section establishes the primary perspective selected by the writer.

  • Reasoning/Supporting the Ideas

A minimum of three explanations need to be provided in the body paragraphs and they need to have supporting evidence from sources.

  • Audience

Whenever you are working on a text, make sure to think about the audience and how they might react to the ideas presented.

  • Word Choice

In your presentation, aim to be imaginative, sound natural, and captivating.

  • Grammar and Syntax

It is imperative that there are no mistakes in grammar, spelling, syntax, or any other related aspect.

To Sum Up

After choosing a topic for your persuasive essay, it is important to consider how to start. It is recommended to begin with the body section. The introduction and conclusion can be completed later, once you are certain that the main argument in your essay is reasonable and comprehensible to your audience.

In English language, the conclusion should provide a brief summary of the main body and be connected to the topics introduced in the introduction. The focus should mainly revolve around the thesis without being too lengthy.

When crafting a conclusion, it is important not to simply copy sentences already stated in the main body. Additionally, it’s best to avoid using standard phrases like “I have come to the following conclusions” or “Based on the above, we can conclude.”

By following these guidelines for crafting a persuasive essay, you can steer clear of typical errors and produce a captivating and convincing composition. Though there are many online writing examples to be found, it’s important to keep in mind that not all of them are of a superior quality.

Numerous students may encounter the burden of academic tasks. Nonetheless, if you ever feel overly demotivated to carry out your work, don’t worry. You can simply purchase an essay from experts as a solution.

Our persuasive essay writing service offers two options: you can either choose an essay writer and provide them with details about your assignment, or you can write the essay yourself and request proofreading assistance. You have the freedom to choose what works best for you. Ultimately, the goal is to submit an exceptional persuasive essay.

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